So you’ve heard a lot about this supplement called Turkesterone, but are wondering what is it actually made of, how it can benefit you and the mechanics of the Turkesterone?
In this article, we will break down what Turkesterone is made of and how the substances work in your body and what effects they may have on your body.
What is Turkesterone?
Turkesterone is an ecdysteroid more specifically a photoecdysteroid. Think of ecdysteroids as a cellular growth promoter, similar to a hormone.
In plants, a chemical is produced by the plants as a defence mechanism to act against any insects trying to eat them. So when the insect consumes the plant the photoecdysteroid made their shell fall off (moult), which ends up killing them.
In insects, ecdysteroids are androgens (hormones that contribute to growth). Ecdysteroids are well studied as insect growth factors and actually derive their name (ecdy-) from the process of moulting in insects called ecdysis.
So what happens in insects, arthropods and non-arthropod invertebrates are the ecdysteroid hormones that stimulate moulting and growth by binding to the ecdysone receptor (which is not present in vertebrates).
This acts in a similar way to how testosterone promotes growth within the human body. This is what led to the theory that ecdysteroids could increase protein synthesis resulting in muscle growth in humans.
What is Turkesterone made from?
Turkesterone is typically isolated and extracted from the Ajuga Turkestancia plant, a plant native to central Asia. The plant ajuga Turkestancia is used because of its high ecdysteroid content, in particular the active ingredient Turkesterone.
Turkesterone itself isn't the most well-absorbed product when taken orally (In capsule form for example), so we recommend that if you do decide to take Turkesterone that you make sure it's synthesised with Hydroxypropyl-B-Cyclodextrin. Hydroxypropyl-B-Cyclodextrin helps to increase the absorption rate, allowing the Turkesterone to be more bioavailable and more effective.
As Turkesterone is derived from a plant and Hydroxypropyl-B-Cyclodextrin is derived from starch. It is considered to be a natural substance.
So now we know that Turkesterone is an ecdysteroid which is derived from a plant called Ajuga Turkestanica. But what can this compound from a plant actually do?
Some of the medicinal benefits of Ajuga Turkestanica (Turkesterone) are:
- Protein stimulation - In a study that was done on mice, Ajuga Turkestanica was given to the mice and it was found that there was an activation of protein biosynthesis within the liver. (Link to article)
- Muscle growth - in a study of mice that were given an extract of Turkesterone it showed that after 6 hours of incubation time, the Turkesterone had the potential to supply the muscle mass growth without the typical side effects of androgenic drugs. (Link to article)
- Cell Regeneration - There have been a few studies which have involved mice that have shown that Turkesterone can assist with growth and muscle cell regeneration. In some such studies, they gave a group of mice and provided them Turkesterone daily for 28 days. What they found was that the tricep muscle that was analysed was greater than a separate control group. The Turkesterone was shown to have more active notch signalling molecules which are used to stimulate satellite cells. (Link to article)
These are just some of the benefits of Turkesterone if you want to learn more then check out our complete guide to Turkesterone where you can learn more.
If you are interested in getting the most bioavailable form of Turkesterone check out our Turkesterone Pro.
Our Turkesterone is 500mg per capsule and is synthesised with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin complex to allow for maximum absorption.